Sunday, July 25, 2010

Here I go again!

I have once again started my adventures in cloth diapering. I have tried to make this sound appealing to my husband by saying it will hopefully help start potty training sooner. He was happy about that part however that happiness is starting to fade when the poopy diapers need changing. I don't mind cloth diapering. It can be gross sometimes like when you're out of biodegradable liners...ACK! Otherwise it's easy. I think deep down inside me there is a earth loving hippy just wanting to break free. In the past I have been ignoring the ill feeling I get when I threw out disposables and knowing what it does to our earth. I truly feel guilty for not strictly cloth diapering my babies. What has been done can not be done. All I can do is move on and listen to my heart.

My next adventure will be exploring vegan/vegetarian ways of eating. I think that's my next on my list. There is a challenge coming up to eat vegan for 21 days. I think I'll try vegetarian and ease my way into the vegan way of eating. Is wine vegan??? If it isn't then I think I have to reconsider this style. Speaking of eating, my four year old drives me !NUTS! when it comes to dinner time. He doesn't want to eat anything at supper and I just don't know what to do. I've tried so many ways to get him to eat with no avail. I believe he'll eventually come around and start least I hope so.
Well there's my little addition to my blog of my four babies...